Get the best travel systems from Nursery Value

Nursery Value is an online one stop shop for all the travel systems and push chairs from Petite Star Nursery LTD. A travel system is very necessary to transport the baby from the push chair to the car or the car to the push chair without disturbing the baby from its sleep. Now there is no need to think twice before taking your baby for a long drive or a casual stroll along the walk way.

The travel systems from Nursery Value have an infant carrier which can be securely attached onto the push chair chassis. The rear facing car seat is suitable for babies for new born babies and until the age of approximately 3 years. The travel systems are compact and have a reclining seat which makes the baby comfortable. It easily attaches to the car seat or the push chair.

To make it fully versatile, the travel systems also have an option of adding a bodies cocoon or a carry coat which is soft to keep the baby warm. The Petite Star Aruba travel systems include a shopping basket, a rain cover to protect the baby from the rain and a footmuff to keep the baby warm in the chilly winters. It also has a 0+ car seat with a sun canopy and a head hugger.

The Travel System website has been created by the Design Company Web.